Faculty Reserve Request

  • Current Start
  • Complete

The Reserve collection allows professors to place items in a separate location and to specify the time limit that the material may be checked out. This allows more students to have access to the materials. Some items may be checked out at the desk and taken out of the library, while other materials may be specified for use only within the library.

Reserve items may be personal materials, photocopies, or items that are part of the library collection (make sure that photocopies can fit in a letter size file folder). Materials that do not generally circulate for students are not available for circulation as a reserve item. At present, CSU Libraries do not offer electronic reserves service.

Library items that may not be placed on Reserve:

  • Reference
  • Periodicals
  • Archival Materials

Loan Periods for Reserve materials are:

  • 2-hour (room use only)
  • 24 hour
  • Overnight (out after 9pm--in by 9am)
  • 3-days
  • 7-days
  • 3-weeks

Bring items to the Service Desk in the library.

Please submit the below form for each item that you would like to place on reserve.  A paper form can also be filled out at the Schwob Library's Service Desk.

Please provide the following information on the form:

  • Course name
  • Course number
  • Course title
  • Instructor's name
  • Campus phone
  • Office number
  • Loan period
  • Length item should remain on reserve
Loan Periods for reserve materials are:\n\n2-hour (room use only)\n24 hour\nOvernight (out after 9pm--in by 9am)\n3-days\n7-days\n3-weeks