
It is the borrower's responsibility to renew or return items when they are due. As a courtesy, one electronic overdue notice will be sent after the item is due. Overdue fines may prevent students from registering, receiving a transcript, or participating in graduation. Two book drops are outside the Simon Schwob Memorial Library for return of materials when it is closed. 

Overdue fines are assessed as follows:

Books $0.25 per day 

Course Reserves $0.25 per day or $0.60 per hour  

Laptops $2.00 per hour/part of an hour 

Lost Books $35.00 replacement fee plus $15.00 processing fee 

These charges do not pertain to lost or recalled Gil Express or Interlibrary loan materials.  

Fines can be paid by cash, check, or credit card at the Service Desk, or through the Online Payment Link

Lost Items 

If the borrower finds and returns a lost item within the same fiscal year in which payment was made, a refund will be issued for the replacement cost of the item, but not for the processing fee. Overdue fines are not charged on lost and paid items. The standard replacement fee of $35 applies only to books owned by CSU Libraries (excluding media items, ILL, or GIL Express).