Borrowing Privileges

Columbus State University Library borrowing privileges are limited to faculty, students, and staff of Columbus State University and University System of Georgia (USG) institutions; and authorized Special Borrowers. CSU Faculty, staff, and students must present their CSU ID to borrow library items. Faculty, staff, and students at other USG institutions are asked to bring their ID from their home institution. Special Borrowers must present their affiliated card. Circulating government documents may be checked out by any member of the community. Items will be loaned only to the person to whom the ID card is issued. 

All circulation notices will be sent to Columbus State University affiliates by e-mail only. Users should also check their GIL-Find accounts regularly. Notices will be mailed to non-CSU affiliates. Changes of address should be reported to the library immediately. 

Failure to receive notification does not relieve the borrower of the obligation to return items when they are due or to pay all assessed charges. The library is not responsible for undelivered mail. 

Restrictions and Holds 

CSU Libraries will restrict the library privileges of any borrower who accumulates excessive unpaid fines, fails to renew books, fails to return books needed by others or fails to pay for lost or damaged books. If the borrower is or has been a CSU student, a hold will be placed on their record in Banner (the CSU Registrar's system). When library privileges are restricted, the borrower cannot borrow materials or request interlibrary loans. When a hold is placed on a record in the Registrar's system, the borrower will not be able to register for classes or receive official copies of their university transcripts. Both restrictions and holds will be removed when the obligations to CSU Libraries are cleared. Some processing time may be required to remove either type of block. 

It is highly recommended that borrowers leaving the university check their library account to ensure that no materials are checked out to them and that they have met all library obligations.